My Name is Mary Lloyd Callicutt & Welcome to my Creative Outlet!


“The richness of your life lies within your relationships.” Anson Dorrance, the Head Coach of the UNC Women's Soccer Team, said this during one of my favorite classes at Carolina.
I hold this truth in my own life as well.
Before going to college at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to pursue a degree in Advertising and Public Relations, I grew up in tiny Lexington, North Carolina where everybody knew my name, my story, my parent’s name, and my parent’s stories. While in high school, all I wanted was bigger and better things; college. As a recent college grad, I have come to appreciate all of what Lexington taught me. It taught me the importance of authentic relationships and how to be a good neighbor because everyone was my neighbor.
I am currently working as a Program Manager for an organization that has enriched my life with many authentic relationships, Alpha Phi International Fraternity.
Thank you for visiting my portfolio site! Stay awhile!